In Ordering, we have several options for the delivery of your orders.
I'll help you set it up.
In your Dashboard, we choose the option Settings > Operation Settings; Order Type Settings.
Click in Settings, and the delivery options we have for you will appear; you can choose the ones you need. At the bottom, it seems what the options you selected in the dropdown will look like.
This is how it will appear to your customers on your website so that they can select the option that best suits them.
This type is to deliver all the food to the customer's preferred location.
This type is for your customers to go to your place for food.
This type tells the business that a customer is going to go to your place to eat or use your services; this is like a booking service without reserving a tablet.
This is perfect for those businesses that offer the extra, allowing the customers to bring their food or services to their car and allow them to eat right there.
This service allows your business to sell more because your place will be empty, and you can sell more to customers eating inside.