Operation Settings: Twilio
Twilio allows software developers to programmatically make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and perform other communication functions using its web service APIs.
Steps about how to configure it
Where to find the data:
Login on Twilio console https://console.twilio.com/
- On the main page is visible these required IDs, which is necessary to add on the Dashboard settings
- Account SID
- Auth Token
- My Twilio phone number
The last ID requiere to the settings, is the one called Twilio Service ID
- Go to the section called Verified, follow by clicking on the section called Services
Extra help to make sure that the account is configured correctly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fqGGqXHQ2E
After adding the required IDs on the Dashboard, there are 3 more steps to complete the settings
- Go to the feature called Operation Settings
- Go to Settings > Operation Settings > Operation Settings
Scroll down a bit, until these options are visible Enabled/Disable phone verification required and Enabled/Disable email verification required
And turn those option on, selecting Yes and scroll to the end of the page and click Save to apply the changes.
The last step is to add a Language Variable to receive the SMS with the code verification, again click on Settings and now following by selecting the Language Manager section
Click on Add new key and this the variable that needs to be added
Value: Your _site_name_ code verification is: _code_
And that's it!
Now the Twilio service is active on the Website and Customer App 2.0
As Always, Happy Ordering.