You can create as many drivers as your business requires; each driver must be created here before signing in to the Driver App.
The platform administrator can create these accounts easily.
Each of the drivers must have the following fields to work.
Mobile Phone.
Drivers Group.
Drivers: Profile
Each driver created in your platform will have its own profile to get inside the driver app 2.0. The drivers have to be assigned to a driver group for the orders to be given to them.
Drivers: My Saved Places
Just like any other user level, the drivers have the chance to order with their accounts. Therefore he can have saved places.
Drivers: Metafields
These custom fields will apply only to the products, just like any other custom field across your platform.
Drivers Personalization
Are you looking for some extra functionalities in your platform? Click on this option and you’ll get it.
Drivers: Add new driver
To create any driver, click on the “Add driver” button and start filling the required information.
Fill up the required fields:
- Name.
- Last Name.
- Email.
- Phone Number.
- Password.
As Always, Happy Ordering.