This feature allows you to create as many variants of your product/services as you require.
Best examples of how to use this:
Half & Half Pizzas.
Extra Toppings on your dishes by quantity.
Now, let's get to it; this is how it works.
In our Dashboard, we will go to Stores and select a store.
Click on the button: Categories and Products.
We click on one of the categories you already have added; in this case, it will be Pizzas, and we will select one of the products from the list.
A slide will open with different product information; in this case, we will click on the option: Product Options, a new drop will appear with data, and we will click on the choice we need.
When we click on any product options, a new slide opens, and we click on the choice we need.
The popup we need will open, this is where things get interesting.
As you can see, inside the product options now you have 2 new options called "Allow half option & price" and "Allow suboptions quantity".
The "Allow half option & price" is to allow the customer to select half of the order be to the right, left or just full order be one ingredient, also when the customer selects one of the ingredients as half, the price changes to what you've set it up.
This is how it looks on your backend.
When you enable "Allow suboptions quantity", another option will show called "Limit suboptions by maximum".
This option will allow you to put a maximum amount for the customer to select product options, for example, if you want the customer to select 5 ingredients, and of those ingredients, you want them only to select shrimp once due to your stock, with this feature, you set up shrimp as 1 Max, and that's it.
It'll look like this: if you select that "1 Max" product option, you can't add more of those.
That's it for this feature!
We really hope this works perfect for you, we've worked so hard to keep on providing you the highest tech at affordable prices.
If you want to learn more about it, get in touch with one of our sales experts, they'll guide you and explain to you how this works.
As Always, Happy Ordering.
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