Upload your app version is a really simple process.
First, you need to prepare you APK or AAB file.
Access to your builder and select your app.
Note: Be sure that you have your apps built in PRO or Build AAB PRO before downloading your apps.
Then press download and you will obtain the .APK of your app or Download AAB.
Customers registered in the play store after August 2021 should use AAB file.
Entering to your account
To update the version in the Play Store, first, go to the next link:
Log in with your credentials, and you will see a screen like this. With all your apps created.
Select the app you want to update.
In the next screen, click in Production > Create new release.
Upload your version.
In your Play Store account, you are going to upload your ".APK" file (You can drag and drop the file). Automatically will upload the version.
Just add the new release notes (what's new in your app, new features, fixed bugs, etc.).
Click Save...
If you want to publish your app right after the app review, skip the next step.
Manually Release
For manually release, go to Store presence > Pricing & distribution.
Turn on the switch and click in Turn on in the popup window.
Send to review
Now we can come back to the previous screen. and click in Review
Click in Start Roll-Out To Production
And that should be enough, you can go to all your apps and check that is up to date.
Have a Happy Ordering