Click on Notifications option to configure the different ways in which you can receive the notifications about this store.
Which printers can be used with Ordering?
We recommend this provider, we are not related to them on anyway & any purchase is at your own risk and is not linked to us nor our services.
How to do settings
To configure this in order to get orders from the Desktop version, Mobile Web version, iOS & Android App sent to your printer. The printer will be able to accept or reject the order.
Introducing the estimated time of delivery and reason for rejection is also possible, everything gets an update to the user.
・You have to log in your Ordering Editor
・Go to your Business and click for Notifications > GPRS Printers.
・Enable the GPRS printer tick
・Select your printer model
This will be autosaved- Also, you need to do the same thing for all of your created businesses in order to get the facility of this service.
File & Confirmation Path
Just copy the generated paths to your printer
・Printer Orders Queue Path
・Printer confirmation Orders Queue Path
Printer Settings
Those are the parameters that you need to configure
Param | Value |
IP | |
Port | 80 |
Connection Mode(00:Gprs, 01:Sms) | 00 |
Accept reply type (00:item, 01:time) | 01 |
File Path | |
Callback URL | |
File Download Mode (00:php,01:txt) | 01 |
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In the following video you'll learn about the GPRS Printers.
Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or a beer, and check out the video below.
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