Using this section is the best way to modify the source code of your app/website without missing the changes when launch updates.
Once you're in the search and replace a section, you need to add a new one, to do this just fill the next fields with this information:
- Name: Write a name that describes the change you're doing. In this example, we are going to change the home title to the uppercase using CSS.
- File: Write the same source that appears in the edit files section of the file you want to modify.
- Search: Write in this section the original text that wants to modify. In this example, we're going to modify the next line:
<h1 class="title" data-ng-if="MLanguages.HOME_WELCOME_TITLE">{{ translate('HOME_WELCOME_TITLE') }}</h1>
- Replace by: Write in this section the code that wants to replace the original source, here you can add something or delete. In this example, we're adding an attribute to uppercase the home title.
<h1 class="title" data-ng-if="MLanguages.HOME_WELCOME_TITLE" style="text-transform: uppercase;">{{ translate('HOME_WELCOME_TITLE') }}</h1>
Once you filled all the fields then you can verify clicking on "Try Search" if there's an error, then a message must appear. Once the "Try Search" shows you a success message you need to click on the "Add" button. Once is added the search and replace must appear in the table below. Then you need to click on update to save this change.
Now the last step is to rebuild your website. You can see all the customizations made in the search and replace section at the top of the page, and if everything is ok a green check will appear. Now just click the "update website" button and see the changes.
Hide Business Types/Categories
If you only have one business type, maybe you prefer to hide the business types filter.
For Web
<ul class="nav nav-tabs inline hidden-xs">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs inline hidden-xs" ng-show="false">
For App
<div class="tabs-striped tabs-top tabs-color-assertive">
<div class="tabs-striped tabs-top tabs-color-assertive" ng-show="false">
If you have the feature saved places enable in your app use this
<div class="tabs-striped tabs-top tabs-color-assertive">
<div class="tabs-striped tabs-top tabs-color-assertive" ng-show="false">
Remove the business dummy logo.
This is the dummy logo you'll be able to remove.
These are the path, part of code you should search, and the part of the code with which you should replace it.
<div class="logo-cont-sub">
<img ng-cache ng-src="{{optimizeImage(business.logo, 'w_250,c_limit')}}" err-src="{{dummy_logo}}">
<img ng-cache ng-src="{{optimizeImage(business.logo, 'w_250,c_limit')}}" data-ng-if="business.logo != undefined">
<img ng-src="{{dummyLogo}}" class="mg-bottom-none" err-src="{{dummyLogo}}" data-ng-if="business.logo == undefined">
<!-- <div class="logo-cont-sub">
<img ng-cache ng-src="{{optimizeImage(business.logo, 'w_250,c_limit')}}" err-src="{{dummy_logo}}">
<img ng-cache ng-src="{{optimizeImage(business.logo, 'w_250,c_limit')}}" data-ng-if="business.logo != undefined">
<img ng-src="{{dummyLogo}}" class="mg-bottom-none" err-src="{{dummyLogo}}" data-ng-if="business.logo == undefined">
</div> -->
After that, It's going to disappear the business dummy logo.
Modify the Header and Footer File
To be able to modify this specific file you will need to make the modification in the search and replace section.
Use the following code.
templates/web/views/layouts/_main.html |
Download this file: Click Here <-----
And copy the code you need to edit and paste it in the Search section.
In the Replace By section add the modified code.
Hide Logo in Header.
templates/web/views/layouts/_main.html |
<img class="logo" alt="logo" data-ng-src="{{rootTheme}}/img/logo.png">
<!-- <img class="logo" alt="logo" data-ng-src="{{rootTheme}}/img/logo.png"> -->
Remember to build your website to apple the changes. Guide <------
Have a Happy Ordering