With this tool, you'll be able to upload all the required information in just a few seconds.
To import one or multiple businesses, you should first download the importer example for "Import Businesses”.
Once you have downloaded the importer, when you open the file, you will notice that the columns contain the names of the data that the business should have. In this example, we will create a business with the following data:
- External business ID (number): This is the identifier that will be added to the business (or to the existing business, if it already exists) so that the importer knows the target business (do not use the same one for two different businesses).
- Name: Business name
- Logo: Business logo, should be an image link, for example, from Cloudinary.
- Header: Business header, should be an image link, for example, from Cloudinary.
- Slug: It is the label displayed in the business link (in lowercase and without spaces).
- Timezone
- Address
- Location: Business coordinates
- Description
- Phone
- Cellphone
- Featured
- Enabled: Specify if the business is active or inactive (use 1 for active and 0 for inactive)
You should edit the file and add the data you want to import. In this case, we will import a business with the following data:
You select the importer, click on "Upload," choose the file, and then click "Import." The new business will appear in the list of businesses.
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